Friday, June 28, 2013

Welcome to Equestria Roleplay..

Welcome to the Equestria Roleplay.

Heres the plot& Directions:

The alicorns and earthponys Rage on continuously, fighting for space.
Ever since Princess celestia invented a growth formula for plants, the farmer earth ponys were no longer required.
Many Alicorns bought up the land, but the earth ponys resisted.
 The picture above is the Alicorn war leader- General Zenon, Daughter of Princess Cadence.

This is Autumn, the Earth pony general.

Autumn and General Zenon are sworn enemies, who wish nothing but too destroy each other forces.

Princess Celestia cannot control the war, and her and princess luna thrive with the Pegasus ponys in the clouds.
The pegasus's are losing patience though, and will soon decide whos side to join.

This is the Pegasus General:

General Ponderosa.

Next is General Tye, the Unicorn general. They are allies of the Alicorns.

So who will win the war?


On the chicken smoothie thread, fill out your pony form:

Type of pony:
Mane color:
Tail Color:
Body color:
Rank (Captain? Colonel? Soldier?  Etc...):

I will then place you in your group, and you will obey your generals.
Patrols, Guard shifts, Battle zones, wherever they want you- you go.


Refusal to fight?- Exile
Sleeping during patrol?- Jail for a day, no food.
Rudeness to superiors?- Stripped of rank, and or jail.

Refusal to fight?- Jail, 20 days, some food.
Sleep during patrol?- Jail, 10 days, no food.
Rudeness to superiors?- Execution

Earth Ponys:
Refusal to fight?- Shunned
Sleep during patrol?- Bite on leg
Rudeness to superiors?- Exile

Refusal to fight?- Magic removal
Sleeping during patrol?-Magic removed 1 week
Rudeness to superiors- Magic removal 1 month, and shunning.

General is the highest rank
Next is Colonel
Then captain
Next is soldiers
Then Guardians
And last is Patrollers.